Monday, August 2, 2010

Possibly The Worlds Smallest Hotel Room

In a world where people appreciate good design everywhere, cool mini hotel rooms are the latest ‘it’ trend. In Tokyo, the Capsule Inn exemplifies the bare-essentials hotel rooms for brief use, and similar concepts are popping up at airports, train stations and downtowns around the world, replacing and mimicking the “day rooms” already existing at many airports.
Unlike Tokyo’s bed-only cabins where customers climb into a human equivalent of a honeycomb for a night’s rest, Yotel pods at Gatwick and Heathrow airports in London and Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam come in larger and more comfortable formats. These self-contained mini hotel rooms are equipped with a bed, table, HD TV and Wi-Fi. Seems like Tokyo is just ahead of the game this year in design.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Gender Aware Billboard? Really?

That is right. A billboard that actually tell what gender you are and then direct ads towards that specific gender. Currently this system is only scanning visages in subway stations in Tokyo.
A consortium of 11 railway companies has launched a one-year pilot project to test the signs, setting up 27 of the “Minority Report”-style displays in commuter stations around the Japanese prefecture. But while billboards in that sci-fi flick could recognize people by name and shout out purchasing suggestions, the Japanese signs employ cameras and face recognition software to determine just the gender and age of passersby.